Week 7: Press Releases and Works in progress
This week I wrote two published stories and worked on three stories, that have yet to be finished. The two that were published were time-sensitive, and so finished within an hour or two of the assignment. The first one was on the Carney press release. something I do every week. This week I wrote about how the state announced CARES funding for healthcare business, primarily focused in the southern two counties. That can be found here: https://delawarelive.com/2020/10/20/state-to-give-100-million-to-healthcare-companies-much-of-it-downstate/ The second article I wrote was on UD's announcement on how they plan to bring back students to the campus during the fall semester. This article cannot be linked, because it was posted on town square Delaware, which seems to be under construction at the moment. The three articles that I worked on this week should be done sometime next week or the week thereafter. The first one that I'm working on is a profile of the Dr. w...